We have taken a video of two of our favourite playground games. One is called Duck, duck, goose! and the other is called 'Sticky toffee'.
Duck, duck, goose
The children sit in a circle. One person is chosen to be the 'hunter'. The hunter walks around the circle tapping each child, saying 'Duck, duck, duck, etc'. They choose who they want to the 'goose'. When they tap a child on the head and say 'goose' that child has to jump up and chase after the hunter. They each try to get back to the empty space in the circle first. If it's a big circle it is more of a competition, so if it is a smaller circle you may decide to run round the circle twice before sitting in the space.
Sticky Toffee
One person is chosen to be the catcher and all other players must hold on to one of the catcher's fingers to start with.
The catcher says 'I went to the shop and I bought some sticky...' (They name an item, e.g. sticky buns) The other players have to run when the catcher says 'I went to the shop and bought some sticky... toffee!' The catcher tries to take the other players by surprise.
Once sticky toffee been said the catcher chases after the other players and tries to touch them on the back or arm. If a player is caught in this way they have to stand still with their arms outstretched and their feet apart. Sometimes the game is played with the 'caught' players being able to be set free by another player crawling between their feet, but most of the time it is safer from them to be set free by players ducking under the outstretched arm.
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